鸡蛋 – Jīdàn

Text Translation Below

The following text translation breaks down each word individually so you can follow along with the audio or use it as a quick reference.

Phrase Dictionary

  1. Eggs = 鸡蛋 Jīdàn
  2. 鸡蛋很有营养。 (Jīdàn hěn yǒu yíngyǎng.): Eggs are very nutritious.
    • 鸡蛋 (Jīdàn): eggs
      • 鸡 (jī): chicken
      • 蛋 (dàn): egg
    • 很 (hěn): very
    • 有 (yǒu): have, possess
    • 营养 (yíngyǎng): nutrition, nutritious
      • 营 (yíng): nourish, manage
      • 养 (yǎng): raise, nourish


Phrases and Translations

  1. 鸡蛋很有营养。
    • English: Eggs are very nutritious.
    • Pinyin: Jīdàn hěn yǒu yíngyǎng.