Pots and Pans – 锅和平底锅 – Guō hé píngdǐ guō

Phrase Dictionary

  1. 请在锅里煮汤。 (Qǐng zài guō lǐ zhǔ tāng.): Please cook the soup in the pot.
    • 请 (Qǐng): please
    • 在 (zài): in, at
    • 锅 (guō): pot
    • 里 (lǐ): inside
    • 煮 (zhǔ): cook, boil
    • 汤 (tāng): soup
  2. 我用平底锅煎鸡蛋。 (Wǒ yòng píngdǐ guō jiān jīdàn.): I use a frying pan to fry eggs.
    • 我 (Wǒ): I, me
    • 用 (yòng): use
    • 平底锅 (píngdǐ guō): frying pan
      • 平底 (píngdǐ): flat-bottomed
      • 锅 (guō): pan, pot
    • 煎 (jiān): fry
    • 鸡蛋 (jīdàn): eggs
      • 鸡 (jī): chicken
      • 蛋 (dàn): egg
  3. 这个锅太重了。 (Zhège guō tài zhòng le.): This pot is too heavy.
    • 这个 (Zhège): this
    • 锅 (guō): pot
    • 太 (tài): too, extremely
    • 重 (zhòng): heavy
    • 了 (le): (particle indicating completed action or change)
  4. 平底锅需要清洗。 (Píngdǐ guō xūyào qīngxǐ.): The frying pan needs to be washed.
    • 平底锅 (Píngdǐ guō): frying pan
    • 需要 (xūyào): need, require
    • 清洗 (qīngxǐ): wash, clean
      • 清 (qīng): clear, clean
      • 洗 (xǐ): wash
  5. 锅里的水开了。 (Guō lǐ de shuǐ kāi le.): The water in the pot is boiling.
    • 锅 (Guō): pot
    • 里 (lǐ): inside
    • 的 (de): (possessive particle)
    • 水 (shuǐ): water
    • 开 (kāi): boil
    • 了 (le): (particle indicating completed action or change)

Phrases and Translations

  1. 请在锅里煮汤。
    • English: Please cook the soup in the pot.
    • Pinyin: Qǐng zài guō lǐ zhǔ tāng.
  2. 我用平底锅煎鸡蛋。
    • English: I use a frying pan to fry eggs.
    • Pinyin: Wǒ yòng píngdǐ guō jiān jīdàn.
  3. 这个锅太重了。
    • English: This pot is too heavy.
    • Pinyin: Zhège guō tài zhòng le.
  4. 平底锅需要清洗。
    • English: The frying pan needs to be washed.
    • Pinyin: Píngdǐ guō xūyào qīngxǐ.
  5. 锅里的水开了。
    • English: The water in the pot is boiling.
    • Pinyin: Guō lǐ de shuǐ kāi le.