Pot Plant: Quick Mandarin Lesson

盆栽 – Pénzāi

Text Translation Below

The following text translation breaks down each word individually so you can follow along with the audio or use it as a quick reference.


Phrase Dictionary

  1. Pot Plant = 盆栽 Pénzāi
  2. 盆栽需要浇水。 (Pénzāi xūyào jiāoshuǐ.): The potted plant needs watering.
    • 盆栽 (Pénzāi): potted plant
      • 盆 (pén): basin, pot
      • 栽 (zāi): to plant, to cultivate
    • 需要 (xūyào): need, require
    • 浇水 (jiāoshuǐ): watering
      • 浇 (jiāo): to water, to irrigate, to pour
      • 水 (shuǐ): water


Phrases and Translations

  1. 盆栽需要浇水。
    • English: The potted plant needs watering.
    • Pinyin: Pénzāi xūyào jiāoshuǐ.

Words of Interest

“植物” (zhíwù) and “盆栽” (pénzāi) are both related to plants, but they have different meanings:

  1. 植物 (zhíwù) – This term refers to “plants” in general. It encompasses all types of plants, including trees, flowers, grasses, and more. It’s a broad term used to describe any kind of plant life.
  2. 盆栽 (pénzāi) – This term specifically refers to “potted plants” or “pot plants.” It’s used to describe plants that are grown in containers or pots rather than planted directly in the ground. “盆栽” can also refer to the art of growing and shaping these potted plants, similar to the Japanese art of bonsai.

In summary, “植物” is a general term for all plants, while “盆栽” specifically refers to plants that are grown in pots or containers.


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