水果 – Shuǐguǒ
Phrase Dictionary
- Fruit = 水果 Shuǐguǒ
- 水果很新鲜。 (Shuǐguǒ hěn xīnxiān.): The fruit is very fresh.
- 水果 (Shuǐguǒ): fruit
- 水 (shuǐ): water
- 果 (guǒ): fruit
- 很 (hěn): very
- 新鲜 (xīnxiān): fresh
- 新 (xīn): new
- 鲜 (xiān): fresh
- 水果 (Shuǐguǒ): fruit
Phrases and Translations
- 水果很新鲜。
- English: The fruit is very fresh.
- Pinyin: Shuǐguǒ hěn xīnxiān.
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空调 – kōngtiáo
Phrase Dictionary
- Air Conditioner = 空调 kōngtiáo
- 空调很冷。 (Kōngtiáo hěn lěng.): The air conditioner is cold.
- 空调 (Kōngtiáo): air conditioner
- 空 (kōng): air, empty
- 调 (tiáo): adjust, regulate
- 很 (hěn): very
- 冷 (lěng): cold
- 空调 (Kōngtiáo): air conditioner
Phrases and Translations
空调很冷。- English: The air conditioner is cold.
- Pinyin: Kōngtiáo hěn lěng.
冰箱 – Bīngxiāng
Phrase Dictionary
- 冰箱 (Bīngxiāng) – Refrigerator
- 冰箱里有水果。 (Bīngxiāng lǐ yǒu shuǐguǒ.)
- 冰箱 (Bīngxiāng) – Refrigerator
- 里 (Lǐ) – In
- 有 (Yǒu) – There is / Have
- 水果 (Shuǐguǒ) – Fruit
- 冰箱很冷。 (Bīngxiāng hěn lěng.)
- 冰箱 (Bīngxiāng) – Refrigerator
- 很 (Hěn) – Very
- 冷 (Lěng) – Cold
Phrases and Translations
- 冰箱里有水果。
- Pinyin: Bīngxiāng lǐ yǒu shuǐguǒ.
- English: There is fruit in the refrigerator.
- 冰箱很冷。
- Pinyin: Bīngxiāng hěn lěng.
- English: The refrigerator is very cold.
- 冰箱里有水果。
卧室- Wòshì
Phrase Dictionary
- 卧室很宽敞。 (Wòshì hěn kuānchǎng.): The bedroom is very spacious.
- 卧室 (Wòshì): bedroom
- 卧 (wò): lie down, sleep
- 室 (shì): room
- 很 (hěn): very
- 宽敞 (kuānchǎng): spacious, roomy
- 宽 (kuān): wide, broad
- 敞 (chǎng): open, spacious
- 卧室 (Wòshì): bedroom
Phrases and Translations
卧室很宽敞。- English: The bedroom is very spacious.
- Pinyin: Wòshì hěn kuānchǎng.