Phrases and Translations

  1. Mandarin: 沙发很舒服 Pinyin: Shāfā hěn shūfú Direct Translation: Sofa very comfortable English Version: The sofa is very comfortable.
  2. Mandarin: 我们在沙发上看书 Pinyin: Wǒmen zài shāfā shàng kànshū Direct Translation: We at sofa on read book English Version: We read books on the sofa.
  3. Mandarin: 这个沙发是新的 Pinyin: Zhège shāfā shì xīn de Direct Translation: This sofa is new DE English Version: This sofa is new.
  4. Mandarin: 请坐在沙发上 Pinyin: Qǐng zuò zài shāfā shàng Direct Translation: Please sit at sofa on English Version: Please sit on the sofa.
  5. Mandarin: 沙发旁边有一个茶几 Pinyin: Shāfā pángbiān yǒu yīgè chájī Direct Translation: Sofa side have one coffee table English Version: There is a coffee table next to the sofa.

Phrase Dictionary

  1. 沙发很舒服 (Shāfā hěn shūfú)
    • 沙发 (Shāfā) - Sofa
    • 很 (Hěn) - Very
    • 舒服 (Shūfú) - Comfortable
  2. 我们在沙发上看书 (Wǒmen zài shāfā shàng kànshū)
    • 我们 (Wǒmen) - We
    • 在 (Zài) - At / On
    • 沙发上 (Shāfā shàng) - Sofa (on)
    • 看书 (Kànshū) - Read book
  3. 这个沙发是新的 (Zhège shāfā shì xīn de)
    • 这个 (Zhège) - This
    • 沙发 (Shāfā) - Sofa
    • 是 (Shì) - Is
    • 新的 (Xīn de) - New (with "的" for emphasis)
  4. 请坐在沙发上 (Qǐng zuò zài shāfā shàng)
    • 请 (Qǐng) - Please
    • 坐 (Zuò) - Sit
    • 在 (Zài) - At / On
    • 沙发上 (Shāfā shàng) - Sofa (on)
  5. 沙发旁边有一个茶几 (Shāfā pángbiān yǒu yīgè chájī)
    • 沙发 (Shāfā) - Sofa
    • 旁边 (Pángbiān) - Beside / Next to
    • 有 (Yǒu) - Have / There is
    • 一个 (Yīgè) - One
    • 茶几 (Chájī) - Coffee table

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