Learn Mandarin With Music: 《命运》 (“Destiny”) by 粉太狼 (Fen Tai Lang)
Instructions: Click on the lyric line you wish to learn and to jump to the video. The video will loop around the chosen lyric
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Subtitle Block Buttons
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How It Works:
- Each button represents a range of subtitle lines (e.g., 1–10, 11–20).
- Click a button to jump directly to the start of the selected block.
- These buttons ensure you can easily focus on specific sections of the content.
Word Buttons
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How It Works:
- Each word button corresponds to a word in the currently displayed subtitle.
- Clicking a button plays audio for the word and displays its meaning, transliteration, and etymology.
- Active buttons visually indicate playback to help you track progress.
Word by Word Dictionary
Every word in the song translated individually for further study. The translations are formated as “Chinese Character,Pinyin,English”
爱 | ài | Love
可以 | kě yǐ | Can
相知 | xiāng zhī | Understand each other
相许 | xiāng xǔ | Promise each other
相依为命 | xiāng yī wéi mìng | Depend on each other for life
却 | què | But
听天由命 | tīng tiān yóu mìng | Leave it to fate
爱 | ài | Love
可以 | kě yǐ | Can
心有灵犀 | xīn yǒu líng xī | Be telepathic
动魄 | dòng pò | Soul-stirring
惊心 | jīng xīn | Heart-shaking
却 | què | But
难以 | nán yǐ | Hard to
抗拒 | kàng jù | Resist
流星 | liú xīng | Shooting star
的 | de | Of
宿命 | sù mìng | Fate
能不能 | néng bù néng | Can we
蒙上 | méng shàng | Cover
眼睛 | yǎn jīng | Eyes
就可以 | jiù kě yǐ | So we can
不伤心 | bù shāng xīn | Not be sad
能不能 | néng bù néng | Can we
脱下 | tuō xià | Take off
面具 | miàn jù | Mask
还可以 | hái kě yǐ | And still
很狠心 | hěn hěn xīn | Be ruthless
如果 | rú guǒ | If
不是 | bù shì | Not
遇见 | yù jiàn | Meeting
你 | nǐ | You
我 | wǒ | I
不可能 | bù kě néng | Could not
相信 | xiāng xìn | Believe
生命 | shēng mìng | Life
有 | yǒu | Has
一种 | yī zhǒng | A kind of
一定 | yī dìng | Certainty
一定 | yī dìng | Must
要 | yào | To
爱 | ài | Love
下去 | xià qù | Continue
爱 | ài | Love
可以 | kě yǐ | Can
相知 | xiāng zhī | Understand each other
相许 | xiāng xǔ | Promise each other
相依为命 | xiāng yī wéi mìng | Depend on each other for life
却 | què | But
听天由命 | tīng tiān yóu mìng | Leave it to fate
爱 | ài | Love
可以 | kě yǐ | Can
心有灵犀 | xīn yǒu líng xī | Be telepathic
动魄 | dòng pò | Soul-stirring
惊心 | jīng xīn | Heart-shaking
却 | què | But
难以 | nán yǐ | Hard to
抗拒 | kàng jù | Resist
流星 | liú xīng | Shooting star
的 | de | Of
宿命 | sù mìng | Fate
我 | wǒ | I
属于 | shǔ yú | Belong to
你 | nǐ | Your
的 | de | (Possessive)
注定 | zhù dìng | Destiny
不 | bù | Not
属于 | shǔ yú | Belong to
我 | wǒ | My
的 | de | (Possessive)
命运 | mìng yùn | Fate不要命 | bù yào mìng | Don’t care about life
不要清醒 | bù yào qīng xǐng | Don’t want clarity
还有梦 | hái yǒu mèng | Still have dreams
能 | néng | Can
紧紧 | jǐn jǐn | Tightly
抱着 | bào zhe | Holding
你 | nǐ | You
爱 | ài | Love
写出 | xiě chū | Writes
我 | wǒ | My
的 | de | (Possessive)
诗经 | shī jīng | Poetry
算不出 | suàn bù chū | Cannot calculate
我 | wǒ | My
的 | de | (Possessive)
命运 | mìng yùn | Fate
你 | nǐ | You
给 | gěi | Gave
我 | wǒ | Me
的 | de | (Possessive)
命 | mìng | Life
下一辈子 | xià yī bèi zi | Next life
再 | zài | Again
还你 | huán nǐ | Return to you
如果 | rú guǒ | If
能 | néng | Can
如影随形 | rú yǐng suí xíng | Be inseparable like a shadow
谁 | shéi | Who
愿意 | yuàn yì | Would
一意孤行 | yī yì gū xíng | Insist on their own way
如果 | rú guǒ | If
能 | néng | Can
变成 | biàn chéng | Become
蚂蚁 | mǎ yǐ | An ant
我 | wǒ | I
愿意 | yuàn yì | Am willing
趋近于零 | qū jìn yú líng | To approach zero
冥冥中 | míng míng zhōng | In the darkness
明明 | míng míng | Clearly
是 | shì | Is
你 | nǐ | You
明明 | míng míng | Clearly
还 | hái | Still
不 | bù | Not
死心 | sǐ xīn | Giving up
生命 | shēng mìng | Life
是 | shì | Is
一个 | yī gè | A
谜语 | mí yǔ | Riddle
因为 | yīn wèi | Because
你 | nǐ | You
而 | ér | Therefore
悬疑 | xuán yí | Suspenseful
最初的 | zuì chū de | The initial
一心一意 | yī xīn yī yì | Wholeheartedness
深信不疑 | shēn xìn bù yí | Deeply believed
不能 | bù néng | Cannot
没有 | méi yǒu | Be without
你 | nǐ | You
最后的 | zuì hòu de | The final
情非得已 | qíng fēi dé yǐ | Involuntary feelings
身不由己 | shēn bù yóu jǐ | Beyond one’s control
当 | dāng | When
物换星移 | wù huàn xīng yí | Things change, stars shift
今夕 | jīn xī | Tonight
是 | shì | Is
何夕 | hé xī | What night
我 | wǒ | I
属于 | shǔ yú | Belong to
你 | nǐ | Your
的 | de | (Possessive)
注定 | zhù dìng | Destiny
不 | bù | Not
属于 | shǔ yú | Belong to
我 | wǒ | My
的 | de | (Possessive)
命运 | mìng yùn | Fate
不要命 | bù yào mìng | Don’t care about life
不要清醒 | bù yào qīng xǐng | Don’t want clarity
还有梦 | hái yǒu mèng | Still have dreams
能 | néng | Can
紧紧 | jǐn jǐn | Tightly
抱着 | bào zhe | Holding
你 | nǐ | You
爱 | ài | Love
写出 | xiě chū | Writes
我 | wǒ | My
的 | de | (Possessive)
诗经 | shī jīng | Poetry
算不出 | suàn bù chū | Cannot calculate
我 | wǒ | My
的 | de | (Possessive)
命运 | mìng yùn | Fate
你 | nǐ | You
给 | gěi | Gave
我 | wǒ | Me
的 | de | (Possessive)
命 | mìng | Life
下一辈子 | xià yī bèi zi | Next life
再 | zài | Again
还你 | huán nǐ | Return to you
我 | wǒ | I
属于 | shǔ yú | Belong to
你 | nǐ | Your
的 | de | (Possessive)
注定 | zhù dìng | Destiny
不 | bù | Not
属于 | shǔ yú | Belong to
我 | wǒ | My
的 | de | (Possessive)
命运 | mìng yùn | Fate
不要命 | bù yào mìng | Don’t care about life
不离不弃 | bù lí bù qì | Never leave or abandon
暴风雨 | bào fēng yǔ | Storm
里 | lǐ | Inside
静静的 | jìng jìng de | Silently
运行 | yùn xíng | Running
爱 | ài | Love
写出 | xiě chū | Writes
我 | wǒ | My
的 | de | (Possessive)
诗经 | shī jīng | Poetry
算不出 | suàn bù chū | Cannot calculate
我 | wǒ | My
的 | de | (Possessive)
命运 | mìng yùn | Fate
你 | nǐ | You
借 | jiè | Borrowed
我 | wǒ | My
的 | de | (Possessive)
命 | mìng | Life
还给 | huán gěi | Return to
天地 | tiān dì | Heaven and earth
还给 | huán gěi | Return to
你 | nǐ | You
Line by Line Translations Below
This line-by-line exploration tool is designed to cater to your specific learning needs. By clicking on any line of the song, you can replay it as many times as needed, ensuring you grasp the pronunciation, rhythm, and meaning. This method, a crucial aspect of ‘targeted language learning through music’, allows you to break down the song into manageable parts, making the learning process less overwhelming and more effective.
爱可以相知相许 | ài kě yǐ xiāng zhī xiāng xǔ
- Love can mean mutual understanding and promise.
- Love is about knowing and committing to each other.
- Love allows shared understanding and pledges.
相依为命 | xiāng yī wéi mìng
- Relying on each other for life.
- Depending on each other for survival.
- Leaning on one another to live.
却听天由命 | què tīng tiān yóu mìng
- But resigning to fate.
- Yet surrendering to destiny.
- Leaving everything to the will of heaven.
爱可以心有灵犀 | ài kě yǐ xīn yǒu líng xī
- Love can mean telepathic connection.
- Love allows a tacit mutual understanding.
- Love is a meeting of minds and souls.
动魄惊心 | dòng pò jīng xīn
- Thrilling and heart-stirring.
- Breathtaking and soul-shaking.
- Emotionally overwhelming.
却难以抗拒流星的宿命 | què nán yǐ kàng jù liú xīng de sù mìng
- But it’s hard to resist the destiny of a shooting star.
- Yet it’s impossible to escape a shooting star’s fate.
- Unable to defy the inevitable course of a meteor.
能不能蒙上眼睛 | néng bù néng méng shàng yǎn jīng
- Can we cover our eyes?
- Is it possible to blindfold ourselves?
- Could we shut our eyes?
就可以不伤心 | jiù kě yǐ bù shāng xīn
- And not feel sad.
- So that we don’t grieve.
- To avoid heartache.
能不能脱下面具 | néng bù néng tuō xià miàn jù
- Can we remove the mask?
- Could we take off our disguises?
- Is it possible to shed our facades?
还可以很狠心 | hái kě yǐ hěn hěn xīn
- And still be ruthless.
- While remaining cold-hearted.
- Yet continue being merciless.
如果不是遇见你 | rú guǒ bù shì yù jiàn nǐ
- If I hadn’t met you.
- Had I not crossed paths with you.
- If it weren’t for meeting you.
我不可能相信 | wǒ bù kě néng xiāng xìn
- I wouldn’t have believed.
- I couldn’t have trusted.
- I would never have thought.
生命有一种一定 | shēng mìng yǒu yī zhǒng yī dìng
- That life has a certainty.
- There is a kind of inevitability in life.
- Life contains a specific inevitability.
一定要爱下去 | yī dìng yào ài xià qù
- It is essential to continue loving.
- It is essential to continue loving.
- That one must keep loving.
爱可以相知相许 | ài kě yǐ xiāng zhī xiāng xǔ
- Love can mean mutual understanding and promise.
- Love allows knowing and committing to one another.
- Love represents understanding and vows.
相依为命 | xiāng yī wéi mìng
- Relying on each other for life.
- Depending on each other to survive.
- Leaning on one another for existence.
却听天由命 | què tīng tiān yóu mìng
- But resigning to fate.
- Yet surrendering to destiny.
- Leaving everything to the will of heaven.
爱可以心有灵犀 | ài kě yǐ xīn yǒu líng xī
- Love can mean telepathic connection.
- Love creates an unspoken mutual understanding.
- Love is a connection of hearts and minds.
动魄惊心 | dòng pò jīng xīn
- Thrilling and heart-stirring.
- Shocking and soul-stirring.
- Emotionally gripping and breathtaking.
却难以抗拒流星的宿命 | què nán yǐ kàng jù liú xīng de sù mìng
- But it’s hard to resist the destiny of a shooting star.
- Yet unable to escape the fate of a meteor.
- Struggling to defy the inevitable fate of a falling star.
我属于 | wǒ shǔ yú
- I belong to.
- I am destined for.
- I am a part of.
你的注定 | nǐ de zhù dìng
- Your destiny.
- What was meant for you.
- The fate tied to you.
不属于 | bù shǔ yú
- I do not belong to.
- Not a part of.
- Separate from.
我的命运 | wǒ de mìng yùn
- My own fate.
- My destiny.
- The path meant for me.
不要命 | bù yào mìng
- Don’t care for my life.
- Risking everything.
- Disregarding my own survival.
不要清醒 | bù yào qīng xǐng
- Don’t want to be clear-headed.
- Refusing to wake up.
- Rejecting awareness.
还有梦能紧紧抱着你 | hái yǒu mèng néng jǐn jǐn bào zhe nǐ
- I still have dreams that tightly embrace you.
- Dreams remain to hold you close.
- My dreams cling to you fiercely.
爱写出 | ài xiě chū
- Love writes out.
- Love expresses.
- Love composes.
我的诗经 | wǒ de shī jīng
- My book of poetry.
- My ode.
- My verses.
算不出 | suàn bù chū
- Cannot calculate.
- Unable to determine.
- Beyond prediction.
我的命运 | wǒ de mìng yùn
- My fate.
- My destiny.
- The course of my life.
你给我的命 | nǐ gěi wǒ de mìng
- The life you gave me.
- The existence you granted me.
- The fate bestowed upon me by you.
下一辈子再还你 | xià yī bèi zi zài huán nǐ
- I’ll repay you in the next life.
- I’ll return it to you in another lifetime.
- I’ll make it up to you in my next incarnation.
如果能如影随形 | rú guǒ néng rú yǐng suí xíng
- If I can follow you like a shadow.
- If I could stay by your side like a shadow.
- Should I be able to move as inseparably as your shadow.
谁愿意一意孤行 | shéi yuàn yì yī yì gū xíng
- Who would insist on their own way.
- Who would choose to walk a lonely path.
- Who would be willing to stubbornly go their own way.
如果能变成蚂蚁 | rú guǒ néng biàn chéng mǎ yǐ
- If I could become an ant.
- Were I able to turn into an ant.
- If transforming into an ant were possible.
我愿意趋近于零 | wǒ yuàn yì qū jìn yú líng
- I’d willingly approach zero.
- I’d choose to reduce myself to nothing.
- I’d gladly diminish to insignificance.
冥冥中明明是你 | míng míng zhōng míng míng shì nǐ
- In the dark, it’s clearly you.
- Among the unknown, it’s unmistakably you.
- It is evidently you in the unseen realm.
明明还不死心 | míng míng hái bù sǐ xīn
- Unquestionably, I remain unwilling to let go.
- Clearly, I haven’t given up.
- Obviously, I’m still holding on.
生命是一个谜语 | shēng mìng shì yī gè mí yǔ
- Life is a riddle.
- Life is an enigma.
- Life presents a mystery.
因为你而悬疑 | yīn wèi nǐ ér xuán yí
- Suspenseful because of you.
- Made mysterious by you.
- Shrouded in uncertainty due to you.
最初的一心一意 | zuì chū de yī xīn yī yì
- The initial wholeheartedness.
- The original single-minded devotion.
- The first undivided focus.
深信不疑 | shēn xìn bù yí
- Deeply believed.
- Firmly trusted.
- Fully convinced.
不能没有你 | bù néng méi yǒu nǐ
- Cannot live without you.
- Unable to exist without you.
- I can’t be without you.
最后的情非得已 | zuì hòu de qíng fēi dé yǐ
- The final reluctance.
- The last helpless affection.
- The inevitable conclusion of love.
身不由己 | shēn bù yóu jǐ
- Beyond my control.
- Against my own will.
- Powerless to act freely.
当物换星移 | dāng wù huàn xīng yí
- When things change and stars shift.
- As time passes and constellations move.
- When the world transforms and the heavens turn.
今夕是何夕 | jīn xī shì hé xī
- What night is tonight?
- What moment is this?
- What time have we come to?
我属于 | wǒ shǔ yú
- I belong to.
- I am part of.
- I am tied to.
你的注定 | nǐ de zhù dìng
- Your destiny.
- What was meant for you.
- The fate aligned with you.
不属于 | bù shǔ yú
- I do not belong to.
- Not a part of.
- I’m outside of.
我的命运 | wǒ de mìng yùn
- My own fate.
- My destiny.
- My chosen path.
不要命 | bù yào mìng
- Don’t care for my life.
- Risk everything.
- Disregard my existence.
不离不弃 | bù lí bù qì
- Never leave or abandon.
- Stay unwaveringly.
- Always remain by your side.
暴风雨里静静的运行 | bào fēng yǔ lǐ jìng jìng de yùn xíng
- Silently running in the storm.
- Moving quietly through the tempest.
- Progressing calmly amidst the storm.
爱写出 | ài xiě chū
- Love writes out.
- Love composes.
- Love creates.
我的诗经 | wǒ de shī jīng
- My book of poetry.
- My verses.
- My sacred writings.
算不出 | suàn bù chū
- Cannot calculate.
- Unable to determine.
- Beyond comprehension.
我的命运 | wǒ de mìng yùn
- My fate.
- My destiny.
- The course of my life.
你借我的命 | nǐ jiè wǒ de mìng
- The life you borrowed from me.
- The existence you took from me.
- The destiny you shared with me.
还给天地还给你 | huán gěi tiān dì huán gěi nǐ
- I’ll return it to the heavens and to you.
- Give it back to the world and to you.
- Restore it to the universe and to your hands.
Words of Significance to Learn
- 爱 (Ài) – “Love”
- Pinyin: Ài
- English Translation: Love
- Etymology: The character 爱 combines 心 (xīn, “heart”) at its core and 受 (shòu, “receive”) above, emphasizing that love involves receiving and giving from the heart.
- Cultural Significance: Love in Chinese culture is multifaceted, encompassing familial devotion, romantic attachment, and self-sacrifice. It frequently appears in poetry, art, and philosophy.
- 命运 (Mìngyùn) – “Fate”
- Pinyin: Mìngyùn
- English Translation: Fate, Destiny
- Etymology: 命 (mìng) means “life” or “order,” and 运 (yùn) means “movement” or “luck.” Together, they describe the trajectory of one’s life as determined by higher forces.
- Cultural Significance: Fate plays a significant role in Chinese thought, particularly in Confucianism and Taoism, reflecting ideas of predestination and cosmic order.
- 注定 (Zhùdìng) – “Destined”
- Pinyin: Zhùdìng
- English Translation: Destined, Predetermined
- Etymology: 注 (zhù) means “to pour” or “focus,” and 定 (dìng) means “to set” or “fix.” Together, they imply that something is firmly set by a higher power.
- Cultural Significance: This term underscores the belief in a predetermined path, a common motif in Chinese literature and philosophy, emphasizing acceptance of life’s inevitabilities.
- 诗经 (Shījīng) – “Classic of Poetry”
- Pinyin: Shī jīng
- English Translation: Classic of Poetry
- Etymology: 诗 (shī) means “poetry,” and 经 (jīng) means “classic” or “scripture.”
- Cultural Significance: The Shījīng is one of the Five Classics of Confucianism, representing the earliest anthology of Chinese poetry. Mentioning it evokes a sense of timeless beauty and cultural heritage.
- 听天由命 (Tīng tiān yóu mìng) – “Leave it to fate”
- Pinyin: Tīng tiān yóu mìng
- English Translation: Leave it to fate
- Etymology: 听 (tīng, “to listen”), 天 (tiān, “heaven”), 由 (yóu, “to follow”), 命 (mìng, “destiny”). Together, they express surrendering to the will of heaven.
- Cultural Significance: This phrase reflects Taoist and Confucian principles of accepting life as it comes, trusting in the natural order or divine will.
- 流星 (Liúxīng) – “Shooting Star”
- Pinyin: Liúxīng
- English Translation: Shooting Star
- Etymology: 流 (liú) means “to flow,” and 星 (xīng) means “star.” The imagery is of a star flowing across the sky.
- Cultural Significance: Shooting stars symbolize fleeting beauty and transient moments, often representing wishes or unfulfilled dreams in Chinese poetry.
- 心有灵犀 (Xīn yǒu líng xī) – “Telepathic Connection”
- Pinyin: Xīn yǒu líng xī
- English Translation: Be telepathic, Heart-to-heart connection
- Etymology: 心 (xīn, “heart”), 有 (yǒu, “has”), 灵 (líng, “spiritual”), 犀 (xī, “rhinoceros horn,” used metaphorically for connection).
- Cultural Significance: This phrase originates from Chinese poetry and describes an unspoken, profound connection between two people, especially in love.
- 不离不弃 (Bù lí bù qì) – “Never leave or abandon”
- Pinyin: Bù lí bù qì
- English Translation: Never leave or abandon
- Etymology: 不 (bù, “not”), 离 (lí, “leave”), 不 (bù, “not”), 弃 (qì, “abandon”).
- Cultural Significance: A phrase embodying steadfast loyalty, it is a key ideal in Chinese relationships, whether romantic, familial, or platonic.
- 物换星移 (Wù huàn xīng yí) – “Things change, stars shift”
- Pinyin: Wù huàn xīng yí
- English Translation: Things change, stars shift
- Etymology: 物 (wù, “things”), 换 (huàn, “change”), 星 (xīng, “stars”), 移 (yí, “move”).
- Cultural Significance: This phrase conveys the inevitability of change over time and is a poetic expression of impermanence and the passage of life.
- 冥冥中 (Míngmíng zhōng) – “In the darkness”
- Pinyin: Míngmíng zhōng
- English Translation: In the darkness, in the unseen
- Etymology: 冥 (míng, “dark, mysterious”), 中 (zhōng, “within”). Together, it implies something unknown or invisible guiding events.
- Cultural Significance: Often linked to fate or destiny, this term reflects belief in unseen forces shaping human lives, central to traditional Chinese cosmology.