Learn Mandarin With Music: The Dark Plum Sauce by Ronghao Li

Instructions: Click on the lyric line you wish to learn and to jump to the video. The video will loop around the chosen lyric

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Li Ronghao is a Chinese singer-songwriter, actor and producer. He has released six studio albums, three EPs, and won the Golden Melody Award for Best New Singer in 2013. He has also acted in three movies, most notably the hit movie Duckweed

Learn the Lyrics Line by Line

Select the line of lyrics you wish to learn and jump to the audio loop and translation to listen and learn as often as you like.

Word by Word Dictionary

Every word in the song translated individually for further study. The translations are formated as “Chinese Character,Pinyin,English”

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背靠 | bèi kào | Lean against
在 | zài | On
树枝 | shùzhī | Tree branch
上 | shàng | Up

蜻蜓 | qīngtíng | Dragonfly
落在 | luò zài | Land on
露水 | lùshuǐ | Dew
旁 | páng | Beside
乘凉 | chéng liáng | Cool off

表白 | biǎobái | Confession
后 | hòu | After
的 | de | Particle
乌梅 | wūméi | Dark plum
树下 | shù xià | Below the tree
土壤 | tǔrǎng | Soil
发了芽 | fā le yá | Sprouted

美得 | měi de | So beautiful
不像话 | bù xiàng huà | Indescribable

再 | zài | Again
让 | ràng | Let
我 | wǒ | Me
想一想 | xiǎng yī xiǎng | Think about it

那 | nà | That
最腻 | zuì nì | Most cheesy
的 | de | Particle
情话 | qínghuà | Love words
怎么 | zěnme | How
讲 | jiǎng | Say

慢火 | mànhuǒ | Slow fire
熬的 | áo de | Simmered
细水长流 | xì shuǐ cháng liú | Endless stream
念 | niàn | Cherish
长长久久 | cháng cháng jiǔ jiǔ | Forever

约好 | yuē hǎo | Promise
到 | dào | Until
白头 | báitóu | White-haired

你 | nǐ | You
浅浅的 | qiǎnqiǎn de | Lightly
微笑 | wēixiào | Smile
就像 | jiù xiàng | Just like
乌梅子酱 | wū méi zǐ jiàng | Dark plum sauce

我 | wǒ | I
尝了 | cháng le | Tasted
你 | nǐ | Your
嘴角 | zuǐ jiǎo | Corner of the mouth
唇膏 | chúngāo | Lipstick
薄荷 | bòhé | Mint
味道 | wèidào | Flavor

是 | shì | Is
甜甜的 | tián tián de | Sweet
爱情 | àiqíng | Love
来得 | lái de | Coming
这么 | zhè me | So
确定 | quèdìng | Certain

因为 | yīnwèi | Because
你 | nǐ | You
每个 | měi gè | Every
害羞 | hàixiū | Shy
的 | de | Particle
反应 | fǎnyìng | Reaction

你 | nǐ | You
浅浅的 | qiǎnqiǎn de | Lightly
微笑 | wēixiào | Smile
就像 | jiù xiàng | Just like
乌梅子酱 | wū méi zǐ jiàng | Dark plum sauce

迎风 | yíng fēng | Against the wind
吹过 | chuī guò | Blowing through
你 | nǐ | Your
的 | de | Particle
头发 | tóufa | Hair
我 | wǒ | I
好 | hǎo | Very
喜欢 | xǐhuān | Like

厚厚的 | hòu hòu de | Thick
甜蜜感 | tiánmì gǎn | Sweet feeling
用 | yòng | Use
幸福 | xìngfú | Happiness
秤杆 | chēng gǎn | Balance
秤 | chēng | Weigh
一些 | yīxiē | Some
收藏 | shōucáng | Collect

合照 | hé zhào | Take a photo together
一张 | yī zhāng | One
和 | hé | With
夕阳 | xī yáng | Setting sun

舀 | yǎo | Scoop
一勺 | yī sháo | One spoon
这 | zhè | This
味道 | wèidào | Taste

暮暮 | mùmù | Evening after evening
朝朝 | cháo cháo | Morning after morning
比例 | bǐlì | Proportion
刚刚好 | gāng gāng hǎo | Just right

果肉 | guǒ ròu | Fruit pulp
配 | pèi | Paired with
焦糖 | jiāo táng | Caramel
的 | de | Particle
温柔 | wēnróu | Tenderness
再 | zài | Again
几个 | jǐ gè | A few
春秋 | chūn qiū | Spring and autumn

我 | wǒ | I
喂 | wèi | Feed
你 | nǐ | You
一口 | yī kǒu | One bite

你 | nǐ | You
浅浅的 | qiǎnqiǎn de | Lightly
微笑 | wēixiào | Smile
就像 | jiù xiàng | Just like
乌梅子酱 | wū méi zǐ jiàng | Dark plum sauce

我 | wǒ | I
尝了 | cháng le | Tasted
你 | nǐ | Your
嘴角 | zuǐ jiǎo | Corner of the mouth
唇膏 | chúngāo | Lipstick
薄荷 | bòhé | Mint
味道 | wèidào | Flavor

是 | shì | Is
甜甜的 | tián tián de | Sweet
爱情 | àiqíng | Love
来得 | lái de | Coming
这么 | zhè me | So
确定 | quèdìng | Certain

因为 | yīnwèi | Because
你 | nǐ | You
每个 | měi gè | Every
害羞 | hàixiū | Shy
的 | de | Particle
反应 | fǎnyìng | Reaction

你 | nǐ | You
浅浅的 | qiǎnqiǎn de | Lightly
微笑 | wēixiào | Smile
就像 | jiù xiàng | Just like
乌梅子酱 | wū méi zǐ jiàng | Dark plum sauce

迎风 | yíng fēng | Against the wind
吹过 | chuī guò | Blowing through
你 | nǐ | Your
的 | de | Particle
头发 | tóufa | Hair
我 | wǒ | I
好 | hǎo | Very
喜欢 | xǐhuān | Like

厚厚的 | hòu hòu de | Thick
甜蜜感 | tiánmì gǎn | Sweet feeling
用 | yòng | Use
幸福 | xìngfú | Happiness
秤杆 | chēng gǎn | Balance
秤 | chēng | Weigh
一些 | yīxiē | Some
收藏 | shōucáng | Collect

合照 | hé zhào | Take a photo together
一张 | yī zhāng | One
和 | hé | With
夕阳 | xī yáng | Setting sun

厚厚的 | hòu hòu de | Thick
甜蜜感 | tiánmì gǎn | Sweet feeling
用 | yòng | Use
幸福 | xìngfú | Happiness
秤杆 | chēng gǎn | Balance
秤 | chēng | Weigh
一些 | yīxiē | Some
收藏 | shōucáng | Collect

合照 | hé zhào | Take a photo together
一张 | yī zhāng | One
和 | hé | With
夕阳 | xī yáng | Setting sun

Line by Line Translations Below

This line-by-line exploration tool is designed to cater to your specific learning needs. By clicking on any line of the song, you can replay it as many times as needed, ensuring you grasp the pronunciation, rhythm, and meaning. This method, a crucial aspect of ‘targeted language learning through music’, allows you to break down the song into manageable parts, making the learning process less overwhelming and more effective.

Bèi kào zài shùzhī shàng
Leaning against the tree branch

Qīngtíng luò zài lùshuǐ páng chéngliáng
The dragonfly lands beside the dew, enjoying the coolness

表白后的乌梅树下 土壤发了芽
Biǎobái hòu de wūméi shù xià tǔrǎng fā le yá
Beneath the plum tree after the confession, the soil sprouts

Měi de bù xiàng huà
So beautiful it’s beyond words

Zài ràng wǒ xiǎng yī xiǎng
Let me think about it again

Nà zuì nì de qínghuà zěnme jiǎng
How to convey those overly sweet words of love

慢火熬的细水长流 念长长久久
Màn huǒ áo de xìshuǐ chángliú niàn cháng cháng jiǔ jiǔ
The slow fire cooks a lasting affection, missing for a very long time

Yuē hǎo dào báitóu
Promise to be together until old age

你浅浅的微笑就像 乌梅子酱
Nǐ qiǎnqiǎn de wēixiào jiù xiàng wūméi zǐ jiàng
Your gentle smile is like plum sauce

我尝了你嘴角唇膏 薄荷味道
Wǒ cháng le nǐ zuǐjiǎo chúngāo bòhé wèidào
I tasted the lip balm at the corner of your mouth, a mint flavor

是甜甜的爱情 来得这么确定
Shì tián tián de àiqíng lái de zhème quèdìng
It’s a sweet love, so certain

Yīnwèi nǐ měi ge hàixiū de fǎnyìng
Because of every shy reaction of yours

你浅浅的微笑就像 乌梅子酱
Nǐ qiǎnqiǎn de wēixiào jiù xiàng wūméi zǐ jiàng
Your gentle smile is like plum sauce

迎风吹过你的头发 我好喜欢
Yíng fēng chuīguò nǐ de tóufǎ wǒ hǎo xǐhuān
The wind blowing through your hair, I really like it

厚厚的甜蜜感 用幸福秤杆秤一些收藏
Hòuhòu de tiánmì gǎn yòng xìngfú chènggǎn chēng yīxiē shōucáng
The thick sweetness, weighed with the scale of happiness, is collected

合照一张 和夕阳
Hézhào yī zhāng hé xīyáng
Take a photo together with the sunset

Yǎo yī sháo zhè wèidào
Scoop a spoonful of this flavor

Mùmù cháocháo bǐlì gānggāng hǎo
Day and night, the proportion is just right

果肉配焦糖的温柔 再几个春秋
Guǒròu pèi jiāotáng de wēnróu zài jǐ ge chūnqiū
The fruit pulp matches the tenderness of caramel, through several springs and autumns

Wǒ wèi nǐ yī kǒu
I feed you a bite

你浅浅的微笑就像 乌梅子酱
Nǐ qiǎnqiǎn de wēixiào jiù xiàng wūméi zǐ jiàng
Your gentle smile is like plum sauce

我尝了你嘴角唇膏 薄荷味道
Wǒ cháng le nǐ zuǐjiǎo chúngāo bòhé wèidào
I tasted the lip balm at the corner of your mouth, a mint flavor

是甜甜的爱情 来得这么确定
Shì tián tián de àiqíng lái de zhème quèdìng
It’s a sweet love, so certain

Yīnwèi nǐ měi ge hàixiū de fǎnyìng
Because of every shy reaction of yours

你浅浅的微笑就像 乌梅子酱
Nǐ qiǎnqiǎn de wēixiào jiù xiàng wūméi zǐ jiàng
Your gentle smile is like plum sauce

迎风吹过你的头发 我好喜欢
Yíng fēng chuīguò nǐ de tóufǎ wǒ hǎo xǐhuān
The wind blowing through your hair, I really like it

厚厚的甜蜜感 用幸福秤杆秤一些收藏
Hòuhòu de tiánmì gǎn yòng xìngfú chènggǎn chēng yīxiē shōucáng
The thick sweetness, weighed with the scale of happiness, is collected

合照一张 和夕阳
Hézhào yī zhāng hé xīyáng
Take a photo together with the sunset

厚厚的甜蜜感 用幸福秤杆秤一些收藏
Hòuhòu de tiánmì gǎn yòng xìngfú chènggǎn chēng yīxiē shōucáng
The thick sweetness, weighed with the scale of happiness, is collected

合照一张 和夕阳
Hézhào yī zhāng hé xīyáng
Take a photo together with the sunset

Words of Significance to Learn

1. 乌梅子酱 (Wūméi zǐ jiàng) – “Black plum jam”

  • Pinyin: Wūméi zǐ jiàng
  • English Translation: Black plum jam
  • Etymology: 乌梅 (wūméi, dried black plum) + 子 (zǐ, diminutive particle) + 酱 (jiàng, sauce/jam).
  • Cultural Significance: Black plum jam is a traditional Chinese flavor, associated with nostalgia, sweetness, and warmth. In the song, it metaphorically describes a sweet and lingering love, evoking a comforting and unique taste.

2. 蜻蜓 (Qīngtíng) – “Dragonfly”

  • Pinyin: Qīngtíng
  • English Translation: Dragonfly
  • Etymology: 蜻 (qīng, light green/dragonfly) + 蜓 (tíng, dragonfly). The compound refers to the insect known for its delicate wings and graceful flight.
  • Cultural Significance: Dragonflies in Chinese culture symbolize summer, transformation, and fleeting beauty. They are often used as poetic imagery to reflect lightness and ephemeral moments.

3. 表白 (Biǎobái) – “Confession”

  • Pinyin: Biǎobái
  • English Translation: To confess, declaration
  • Etymology: 表 (to express) + 白 (plain, clear). It refers to expressing one’s emotions, often in love.
  • Cultural Significance: The act of confessing love is a significant theme in Chinese romance, representing courage and sincerity. It often carries a sense of vulnerability.

4. 细水长流 (Xì shuǐ cháng liú) – “Trickling water flows long”

  • Pinyin: Xì shuǐ cháng liú
  • English Translation: Slow and steady wins the race (literally: trickling water flows long).
  • Etymology: 细水 (trickling water) + 长流 (long flow). The idiom describes enduring and steady progress.
  • Cultural Significance: This phrase is a metaphor for long-lasting love or relationships, emphasizing patience and consistency over fleeting passion.

5. 白头 (Báitóu) – “White hair”

  • Pinyin: Báitóu
  • English Translation: White hair (symbolizing old age).
  • Etymology: 白 (white) + 头 (head). It refers to the idea of growing old together with a loved one.
  • Cultural Significance: In Chinese culture, the phrase “白头到老” (báitóu dào lǎo) represents the ideal of lifelong companionship and commitment.

6. 暮暮朝朝 (Mù mù zhāo zhāo) – “Evenings and mornings”

  • Pinyin: Mù mù zhāo zhāo
  • English Translation: Every evening and morning
  • Etymology: 暮 (evening) + 朝 (morning), repeated for emphasis. It signifies continuity and the passage of time.
  • Cultural Significance: This poetic phrase highlights the daily rhythm of life and the enduring nature of a relationship shared over time.

7. 薄荷 (Bòhé) – “Mint”

  • Pinyin: Bòhé
  • English Translation: Mint
  • Etymology: 薄 (thin) + 荷 (lotus, herb). Mint is known for its fresh and cooling properties.
  • Cultural Significance: Mint often symbolizes freshness and purity in Chinese literature, reflecting the invigorating sensation of new love.

8. 秤杆 (Chènggān) – “Balance pole”

  • Pinyin: Chènggān
  • English Translation: Balance pole, scale beam
  • Etymology: 秤 (scale) + 杆 (pole). It refers to a traditional balance used for weighing.
  • Cultural Significance: Scales are symbolic of fairness and precision. In the song, it is used metaphorically to measure and treasure happiness.

9. 合照 (Hézhào) – “Group photo”

  • Pinyin: Hézhào
  • English Translation: Group photo
  • Etymology: 合 (together) + 照 (photo). It refers to a photograph taken with others.
  • Cultural Significance: Group photos are cherished mementos in Chinese culture, symbolizing togetherness and capturing moments of shared happiness.

10. 果肉 (Guǒròu) – “Fruit pulp”

  • Pinyin: Guǒròu
  • English Translation: Fruit pulp
  • Etymology: 果 (fruit) + 肉 (flesh). It refers to the edible part of the fruit.
  • Cultural Significance: Fruit, particularly its sweetness and softness, is often used in Chinese poetry and music as a metaphor for tenderness and the sweet aspects of love.

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