Learn Mandarin With Music: Leave Me Alone (寂寞寂寞就好) Song by Hebe Tien

Instructions: Click on the lyric line you wish to learn and to jump to the video. The video will loop around the chosen lyric
Click on the button to listen to the spoken audio for each word. You can pause the video at anytime to listen to the spoken audio, or listen to both at the same time.
Learn the Lyrics Line by Line
Select the line of lyrics you wish to learn and jump to the audio loop and translation to listen and learn as often as you like.
Using the Language Learning Tool
This tool is designed to make language learning engaging and effective by providing interactive features. Here's how to use it:
Start Button
The Start Button initiates playback of the subtitles from the beginning. Use this to start your learning session.
Subtitle Block Buttons
Purpose: Navigate through blocks of subtitles quickly and efficiently.
How It Works:
- Each button represents a range of subtitle lines (e.g., 1–10, 11–20).
- Click a button to jump directly to the start of the selected block.
- These buttons ensure you can easily focus on specific sections of the content.
Word Buttons
Purpose: Explore individual words for enhanced understanding.
How It Works:
- Each word button corresponds to a word in the currently displayed subtitle.
- Clicking a button plays audio for the word and displays its meaning, transliteration, and etymology.
- Active buttons visually indicate playback to help you track progress.
Word by Word Dictionary
Every word in the song translated individually for further study. The translations are formated as “Chinese Character,Pinyin,English”

还是 | hái shì | Still
原来 | yuán lái | Original
那个 | nà gè | That
我 | wǒ | Me
不过 | bú guò | Just
流掉 | liú diào | Shed
几 | jǐ | A few
公升 | gōng shēng | Liters
泪 | lèi | Tears
所以 | suǒ yǐ | So
变瘦 | biàn shòu | Become thinner
对着 | duì zhe | Facing
镜子 | jìng zi | Mirror
我 | wǒ | I
承诺 | chéng nuò | Promise
迟早 | chí zǎo | Sooner or later
我会 | wǒ huì | I will
还 | huán | Return
这张 | zhè zhāng | This
脸 | liǎn | Face
一堆 | yī duī | A pile of
笑容 | xiào róng | Smiles
不算什么 | bú suàn shén me | It’s nothing
爱错 | ài cuò | Love wrong
就 | jiù | Then
爱错 | ài cuò | Love wrong
早点 | zǎo diǎn | Earlier
认错 | rèn cuò | Admit the mistake
早一点 | zǎo yī diǎn | A little earlier
解脱 | jiě tuō | Get free
我 | wǒ | I
寂寞 | jì mò | Lonely
寂寞 | jì mò | Lonely
就好 | jiù hǎo | And that’s fine
这时候 | zhè shí hòu | At this time
谁都 | shéi dōu | No one
别来 | bié lái | Should come
安慰 | ān wèi | Comfort
拥抱 | yǒng bào | Hug
就让 | jiù ràng | Just let
我 | wǒ | Me
一个人 | yī gè rén | Alone
去痛 | qù tòng | Endure the pain
到 | dào | Until
受不了 | shòu bù liǎo | I can’t take it
想到 | xiǎng dào | Thinking
快 | kuài | Almost
疯掉 | fēng diào | Go crazy
死不了 | sǐ bù liǎo | Not die
就 | jiù | Then
还好 | hái hǎo | It’s okay
我 | wǒ | I
寂寞 | jì mò | Lonely
寂寞 | jì mò | Lonely
就好 | jiù hǎo | And that’s fine
你 | nǐ | You
真的 | zhēn de | Really
不用 | bù yòng | Don’t need
来 | lái | Come
我 | wǒ | My
回忆里 | huí yì lǐ | In memories
微笑 | wéi xiào | Smile
我就 | wǒ jiù | I just
不相信 | bù xiāng xìn | Don’t believe
我会 | wǒ huì | I will
笨到 | bèn dào | Be foolish enough
忘不了 | wàng bù liǎo | To not forget
赖着 | lài zhe | Clinging
不放掉 | bù fàng diào | And not letting go
人 | rén | People
本来 | běn lái | Naturally
就 | jiù | Just
寂寞的 | jì mò de | Lonely
借来的 | jiè lái de | Borrowed
都 | dōu | All
该 | gāi | Should
还掉 | huán diào | Be returned
我 | wǒ | I
总会 | zǒng huì | Will eventually
把你 | bǎ nǐ | Quit you
戒掉 | jiè diào | Quit
还是 | hái shì | Still
原来 | yuán lái | Original
那个 | nà gè | That
你 | nǐ | You
是 | shì | Is
我自己 | wǒ zì jǐ | Myself
做梦 | zuò mèng | Dreaming
你有 | nǐ yǒu | You have
改变 | gǎi biàn | Changed
什么 | shén me | Something
再多的 | zài duō de | Even more
爱 | ài | Love
也 | yě | Still
没用 | méi yòng | Useless
每个人 | měi gè rén | Everyone
有 | yǒu | Has
每个人的 | měi gè rén de | Their own
业障 | yè zhàng | Karma
因果 | yīn guǒ | Cause and effect
会有什么 | huì yǒu shén me | What will there be
什么都没有 | shén me dōu méi yǒu | There’s nothing at all
早点 | zǎo diǎn | Sooner
看破 | kàn pò | Understand
才 | cái | Only then
看得见 | kàn de jiàn | See
以后 | yǐ hòu | The future
我 | wǒ | I
寂寞 | jì mò | Lonely
寂寞 | jì mò | Lonely
就好 | jiù hǎo | And that’s fine
这时候 | zhè shí hòu | At this time
谁都 | shéi dōu | No one
别来 | bié lái | Should come
安慰 | ān wèi | Comfort
拥抱 | yǒng bào | Hug
就让 | jiù ràng | Just let
我 | wǒ | Me
一个人 | yī gè rén | Alone
去痛 | qù tòng | Endure the pain
到 | dào | Until
受不了 | shòu bù liǎo | I can’t take it
想到 | xiǎng dào | Thinking
快 | kuài | Almost
疯掉 | fēng diào | Go crazy
死不了 | sǐ bù liǎo | Not die
就 | jiù | Then
还好 | hái hǎo | It’s okay
我 | wǒ | I
寂寞 | jì mò | Lonely
寂寞 | jì mò | Lonely
就好 | jiù hǎo | And that’s fine
你 | nǐ | You
真的 | zhēn de | Really
不用 | bù yòng | Don’t need
来 | lái | Come
我 | wǒ | My
回忆里 | huí yì lǐ | In memories
微笑 | wéi xiào | Smile
我就 | wǒ jiù | I just
不相信 | bù xiāng xìn | Don’t believe
我会 | wǒ huì | I will
笨到 | bèn dào | Be foolish enough
忘不了 | wàng bù liǎo | To not forget
赖着 | lài zhe | Clinging
不放掉 | bù fàng diào | And not letting go
人 | rén | People
本来 | běn lái | Naturally
就 | jiù | Just
寂寞的 | jì mò de | Lonely
我 | wǒ | I
总会 | zǒng huì | Will eventually
把你 | bǎ nǐ | Quit you
戒掉 | jiè diào | Quit
Line by Line Translations Below
This line-by-line exploration tool is designed to cater to your specific learning needs. By clicking on any line of the song, you can replay it as many times as needed, ensuring you grasp the pronunciation, rhythm, and meaning. This method, a crucial aspect of ‘targeted language learning through music’, allows you to break down the song into manageable parts, making the learning process less overwhelming and more effective.
hái shì yuán lái nà gè wǒ
Still the same old me
bú guò liú diào jǐ gōng shēng lèi suǒ yǐ biàn shòu
Just shed a few liters of tears, so I got thinner
duì zhe jìng zi wǒ chéng nuò
Facing the mirror, I make a promise
chí zǎo wǒ huì huán zhè zhāng liǎn yī duī xiào róng
Sooner or later, I’ll give this face a pile of smiles
不算什麼 愛錯就愛錯
bú suàn shén me ài cuò jiù ài cuò
It’s nothing, if I loved wrong, then so be it
早點認錯 早一點解脫
zǎo diǎn rèn cuò zǎo yī diǎn jiě tuō
Admit the mistake earlier, get free earlier
wǒ jì mò jì mò jiù hǎo
I’m lonely, lonely, and that’s fine
zhè shí hòu shéi dōu bié lái ān wèi yǒng bào
At this time, no one come to comfort or hug me
jiù ràng wǒ yī gè rén qù tòng dào shòu bù liǎo
Just let me endure the pain alone until I can’t take it
xiǎng dào kuài fēng diào
Thinking until I almost go crazy
sǐ bù liǎo jiù hái hǎo
As long as I don’t die, it’s okay
wǒ jì mò jì mò jiù hǎo
I’m lonely, lonely, and that’s fine
nǐ zhēn de bù yòng lái wǒ huí yì lǐ wéi xiào
You really don’t have to smile in my memories
wǒ jiù bù xiāng xìn wǒ huì bèn dào wàng bù liǎo
I don’t believe I’m foolish enough to not forget
lài zhe bù fàng diào
Clinging and not letting go
rén běn lái jiù jì mò de
People are inherently lonely
jiè lái de dōu gāi huán diào
What’s borrowed should be returned
wǒ zǒng huì bǎ nǐ jiè diào
I’ll eventually quit you
hái shì yuán lái nà gè nǐ
Still the same old you
shì wǒ zì jǐ zuò mèng nǐ yǒu gǎi biàn shén me
It’s me dreaming you’ve changed in some way
zài duō de ài yě méi yòng
No matter how much love, it’s useless
měi gè rén yǒu měi gè rén de yè zhàng yīn guǒ
Everyone has their own karma and destiny
會有什麼 什麼都沒有
huì yǒu shén me shén me dōu méi yǒu
What will there be? There’s nothing at all
早點看破 才看得見以後
zǎo diǎn kàn pò cái kàn de jiàn yǐ hòu
Understand it earlier, only then will you see the future
wǒ jì mò jì mò jiù hǎo
I’m lonely, lonely, and that’s fine
zhè shí hòu shéi dōu bié lái ān wèi yǒng bào
At this time, no one come to comfort or hug me
jiù ràng wǒ yī gè rén qù tòng dào shòu bù liǎo
Just let me endure the pain alone until I can’t take it
xiǎng dào kuài fēng diào
Thinking until I almost go crazy
sǐ bù liǎo jiù hái hǎo
As long as I don’t die, it’s okay
wǒ jì mò jì mò jiù hǎo
I’m lonely, lonely, and that’s fine
nǐ zhēn de bù yòng lái wǒ huí yì lǐ wéi xiào
You really don’t have to smile in my memories
wǒ jiù bù xiāng xìn wǒ huì bèn dào wàng bù liǎo
I don’t believe I’m foolish enough to not forget
lài zhe bù fàng diào
Clinging and not letting go
rén běn lái jiù jì mò de
People are inherently lonely
wǒ zǒng huì bǎ nǐ jiè diào
I’ll eventually quit you
Words of Significance to Learn
- 寂寞 (Jì mò) – “Lonely”
- Pinyin: Jì mò
- English Translation: Lonely
- Etymology: 寂 (jì) means “silent” or “quiet,” and 寞 (mò) means “deserted” or “lonely.” Together, they emphasize an emotional and physical sense of isolation.
- Cultural Significance: Loneliness is a recurring theme in Chinese literature and poetry, often used to depict inner struggles, reflection, and personal growth.
- 承诺 (Chéng nuò) – “Promise”
- Pinyin: Chéng nuò
- English Translation: Promise
- Etymology: 承 (chéng) means “to undertake” or “to bear,” and 诺 (nuò) means “to agree” or “promise.”
- Cultural Significance: Promises are highly valued in Chinese culture, reflecting trustworthiness and moral responsibility, key aspects of Confucian ethics.
- 微笑 (Wéi xiào) – “Smile”
- Pinyin: Wéi xiào
- English Translation: Smile
- Etymology: 微 (wéi) means “slight” or “subtle,” and 笑 (xiào) means “to laugh” or “to smile.”
- Cultural Significance: A smile in Chinese culture often represents inner peace, politeness, and social harmony, resonating with traditional values of restraint and decorum.
- 安慰 (Ān wèi) – “Comfort”
- Pinyin: Ān wèi
- English Translation: Comfort
- Etymology: 安 (ān) means “peace” or “calm,” and 慰 (wèi) means “to console” or “to soothe.”
- Cultural Significance: Offering comfort reflects the deep interpersonal bonds in Chinese culture, where emotional support is a cornerstone of relationships.
- 流掉 (Liú diào) – “Shed”
- Pinyin: Liú diào
- English Translation: Shed
- Etymology: 流 (liú) means “to flow,” and 掉 (diào) means “to drop” or “to fall.” Together, they describe tears flowing down.
- Cultural Significance: The shedding of tears is often depicted in Chinese poetry and art as a cathartic expression of sorrow or love.
- 业障 (Yè zhàng) – “Karma”
- Pinyin: Yè zhàng
- English Translation: Karma
- Etymology: 业 (yè) means “deeds” or “actions,” and 障 (zhàng) means “obstruction” or “hindrance.”
- Cultural Significance: Rooted in Buddhist philosophy, the concept of karma reflects the belief that one’s actions determine future outcomes, deeply influencing Chinese spiritual practices.
- 戒掉 (Jiè diào) – “Quit”
- Pinyin: Jiè diào
- English Translation: Quit, Give up
- Etymology: 戒 (jiè) means “to abstain” or “to warn,” and 掉 (diào) means “to discard.”
- Cultural Significance: Quitting or abstaining is often linked to self-control and personal transformation, key values in Confucian and Buddhist teachings.
- 忘不了 (Wàng bù liǎo) – “Cannot forget”
- Pinyin: Wàng bù liǎo
- English Translation: Cannot forget
- Etymology: 忘 (wàng) means “to forget,” and 不了 (bù liǎo) implies “cannot.”
- Cultural Significance: This phrase evokes themes of unfulfilled longing and emotional attachment, common in Chinese love songs and literature.
- 镜子 (Jìng zi) – “Mirror”
- Pinyin: Jìng zi
- English Translation: Mirror
- Etymology: 镜 (jìng) means “mirror,” and 子 (zi) is a suffix often denoting an object.
- Cultural Significance: In Chinese culture, the mirror symbolizes self-reflection, truth, and sometimes illusions, appearing in many philosophical and artistic works.
- 因果 (Yīn guǒ) – “Cause and Effect”
- Pinyin: Yīn guǒ
- English Translation: Cause and Effect
- Etymology: 因 (yīn) means “cause,” and 果 (guǒ) means “result” or “fruit.”
- Cultural Significance: Central to Buddhist and Taoist philosophies, this concept underscores the interconnection of actions and outcomes, forming the foundation of moral reasoning in Chinese thought.